Software industry keeps evolving all the time. And as a developer working in the industry, it is our responsibility to stay updated.
Progressive learning is the key. Learning also helps us to remain sharp and solve problems easily.
Learning can be done by reading, watching videos or listening to podcasts. But nothing beats learning by practising. It also helps if we teach about or create a post on the concept, so that it remains clear.
Here I’m writing posts about the various topics that I have learned over time. Also sharing my studies, which helps in the easy lookup of concepts/commands.
And here is the source code for this site.
I created this site years back in 2015. After having seen and worked on numerous websites, it was a wish to create a website on my own and deploy it in production. Actually it helped me in many ways:
  • To learn the DevOps aspect of websites. Domain name purchase, Hosting, Webservers, NameServers etc
  • Brand of my own, where I can post my learnings and findings
  • As a project that I can use to migrate between different technologies and in turn learn that technology
Of late, I don't do much updates to this site. I mostly publish my updates to GitHub which I find much easier to maintain.
  • ASP.NET MVC 5 hosted on IIS in Windows EC2 instance. Database was SQL server DB (Initial version)
  • Node.js (express) and jade template engine hosted on Windows EC2 instance. Database was MongoDb
  • React 15 and Node.js (express) hosted on Windows EC2 instance. Database was MongoDb
  • ASP.NET CORE 2.0 hosted on AWS Linux EC2 instance. Database was SQLite. Kestrel server and Nginx as RP
  • ASP.NET CORE 2.2 hosted on AWS Lambda. Database is SQLite
  • ASP.NET CORE 3.1 hosted on AWS Lambda. Database is SQLite
  • ASP.NET CORE 3.1 hosted on Azure App Service. Database is SQLite (Latest version)
  • .NET 5.0 hosted on Azure App Service. Database is SQLite (Latest version)
Notable mention