
ASP.Net Core saves me $4 a month!
It has been more than 2 years since my website was conceived. It was created in ASP.Net MVC. Since then the site has evolved a lot technology wise. The website is used as a repository of my studies, as a means to publish my technical thoughts and also a place where I can try out the technologies/areas than I don’t usually get to do as part of my regular office work like full time DevOps or migrating sites to newer technologies without having to convince the management.

Technology Migration History
Initially created in ASP.Net MVC with SQL server as the database. Site was hosted in IIS in a windows server.
It was migrated to Node.Js + Express and lat....
From Callbacks to Promises to AsyncAwait
Single Threaded Node
In spite of having a single threaded architecture, Node is not blocked while doing parallel operations. How does Node achieve this ?

Even though Node is single threaded, it is event driven and makes use of background workers to complete the tasks. Tasks are pushed off to workers from the main thread. Main thread is not blocked and continues to listen to other requests. When the task is done, the result of the task(if any) is put back to the event loop for further processing which is accomplished by callback.

In this write up, I will be discussing on the evolution of callbacks. The way they evolved to Promises and most recently to Async-Await. Event Loop is outside....
Equality in C# DotNet
Equality can be either of reference equality or value equality.
Value Equality:
There is a virtual 'Equals' method defined in the 'Object' class. All other types inherit from this type and hence has the option to override this method. Value types usually override this method and implement their own equality logic as in the case of Int32.
Reference Equality:
Reference equality basically checks if 2 references point to the same instance or not.
A ob1 = new A();
A ob2 = new A();
ReferenceEquals(ob1, ob2) will return false.
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